It's Great Design

It's Great Design

It's Great Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Trio, inspired by the astringent form language of metal industrial objects, is a low center table for outdoor or indoor use. A closer examination of the details, including joinery features more like woodwork, reveals a hint that the aluminum table is made differently from common metalwork. Three corrugated legs, the movement of the form articulated by vertical washes of light and shadow on a deep gray anodized finish, complement the whole.

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The first time you want to sit on “negative chair” you pause for a second thinking it is impossible to do so. When you look at it from the side, you see the outline of a chair that does not exist and when someone sits on the chair, you see the transformation of its shape and you get the impression that the seated person is suspended in space while feeling very comfortable since the chair will actually take the form of the body and supports it from all angles.

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Patrick Sarran’s design echoes the famous formula coined by Louis Sullivan ”Form follows function”. In this spirit, the iLOK tables have been conceived to prioritize lightness, strength and modularity. This has been made possible thanks to the wooden composite material of the table tops, the arched geometry of the legs and the structural brackets fixed inside the honeycombed heart. Using an oblique junction for the base, useful space is gained below. Finally, from the timber emerges a warm aesthetic much appreciated by fine diners.

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The Add+it furniture proposes an innovative alternative to the furniture joining methods. The design, which is a storage unit for books and magazines, is carried on a thin surface with the support received from the wall for the documents placed upon it. There are neodymium magnets on the pipes that assume the function of shelves and that are connected to each other by vertical pieces. These magnets, the Add+it can be assembled in a practical manner without the need for any connecting elements. This method gives the opportunity of the furniture being assembled repeatedly without deformation.

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The VBookcase, which was designed in a manner where it can be used in different forms, such as double, triple and quadruple, can constitute alternative designs by increasing the vertical parts and the number of shelves. All of the parts of the VBookcase can be packed and transported easily by placing one on top of the other and can be assembled in a practical manner at the place of use.

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Rocking Dolphin

Inspired by the wild dolphins that play around Guishan Island in Yilan County, Taiwan, Rocking Dolphin is an ideal piece of furniture for children ages 1 to 3 that encourages young minds to explore their world through feel and touch. Made with 100% natural pine cut to precision with CNC fabrication, the dolphin features soft, sanded edges that eliminate the risk of abrasion or other injury. The dorsal fin provides the main seating area of the Rocking Dolphin, while the side fins offer a place where children can rest their feet.

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