It's Great Design

It's Great Design

It's Great Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Waves bench which is designed for performing arts venue Zorlu Center PSM’s stairs in Istanbul, gives fluidity to outdoor stairs. Made of cross sections that are fabricated each one separate from the other. They are then assembled together for people to sit individually or collectively. Waves was constructed from steel, retified wood and wheels. Coming in 11 different movable modules are all harmonic to each other. Waves defines the space in a smooth way becoming urban furniture that people interact with. It is intended to be used by everyone and meant to be a meeting and resting spot for all.

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A crystal vase through the use of surface tension of water. It works as making the top of solid crystal mortar shape can have fluid. The flower can be independent by a cylindrical hole in the center. The vase can be filled with water by surface tension, and the border getting fuzzy. In that moment, you will get lulled into the illusion that you can see the water column and flower only as if the vase disappeared.

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A chairs

The chair design is an interesting interpretation of the furniture with multi-function. With the careful manipulating of design form and dimension, “A Chairs” resolve the modern world furnishing issue of creating too many items to fulfil the function requirement. By pulling and pushing of different elements within the chair, it create a four piece of furniture that could use for multiple purpose. “A chairs” not only represent a new sample of how design solve the spatial limit problems, but also showcase the new direction of designer to explore new possibility of furniture design.

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The way of using construction waste residue as the concrete aggregate is an effective approach to dispose the construction waste residue. Using the construction waste residue in outdoor public infrastructure can reduce the construction waste’s harm on the environment and have positive role in the whole society and environment.

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Drop which is produced by wood and marble masters meticulously; consists of lacquer body on the solid wood and marble. Specific texture of marble separates all products from each other. Space parts of drop coffee table helps to organize the small house accessories. Another important property of the design is ease of movement provided by hidden wheels located under the body. This design allows to create different combinations with marble and color alternatives.

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